Our Department

Johnny Alexander
Johnny AlexanderSheriff
Mike Fielder
Mike FielderChief Deputy
Ken Alexander
Ken AlexanderSergeant
Matt Terry
Matt TerryTraining Instructor
Joey Pinson
Joey PinsonSergeant
Kevin Thompson
Kevin ThompsonSergeant
Brandy Murphy
Brandy Murphy Receptionist
Anette Shelby
Anette ShelbyWarrants & Records Clerk
Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer JohnsonPayroll & Payables Clerk
Vicki Spears
Vicki SpearsAdministrative Assistant
Tim Kelley
Tim KelleySchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Billy Franks
Billy FranksSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Blake Gilbert
Blake GilbertSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Shawn Mutters
Shawn MuttersInvestigator
Jared Goode
Jared GoodeInvestigator
Ricky Fye
Ricky FyeSergeant
Danny Pinson
Danny PinsonDeputy
Daniel Moore
Daniel MooreDeputy
Sophia Axley-Davis
Sophia Axley-DavisSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Lane Belk
Lane BelkDeputy
Daniel Melson
Daniel MelsonDeputy
James Frazier
James FrazierDeputy
Hunter Goode
Hunter GoodeDeputy
Mindy Souders
Mindy SoudersDeputy
Brad Chism
Brad ChismDrug Task Force
Adam Heidelberg
Adam HeidelbergDeputy
Ryan Burlesci
Ryan BurlesciJail Administrator & Deputy
Shelia Franks
Shelia FranksSex Offender Registry Clerk
Shamas Lewis
Shamas LewisSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Gabrielle Austin
Gabrielle AustinDeputy
Adam Droke
Adam DrokeSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Jesus Rosales Herrera
Jesus Rosales HerreraSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Riley Flatt
Riley FlattDeputy
Matthew Bizzell
Matthew BizzellSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Dathan Scott
Dathan ScottDeputy
Josh Slaughter
Josh SlaughterDeputy
Joe Isbell
Joe IsbellSchool Resource Officer & Deputy
Dustin English
Dustin EnglishDeputy

Corrections Officers

Chris Boswell
Chris BoswellCorrectional Officer
Mitzi Hill
Mitzi HillSergeant
Heather Pinson
Heather PinsonSergeant
Jessica Yager
Jessica YagerSergeant
James Boils
James BoilsCorrectional Officer
Jordan Kiddy
Jordan KiddyCorporal
Luke Boswell
Luke BoswellSergeant
David Yager
David YagerCorrectional Officer
Julie Boswell
Julie BoswellCorporal
Dylan Bradley
Dylan BradleyCorrectional Officer
Jordan Wright
Jordan WrightCorrectional Officer
Clay Holloway
Clay HollowayCorrectional Officer
Colton Moody
Colton MoodyCorrectional Officer
James Miller
James MillerKitchen Manger
Charles Tucker
Charles TuckerCorrectional Officer
Brennen Black
Brennen BlackCorporal
Blake Pitts
Blake PittsCorrectional Officer
Anthony Morton
Anthony MortonCorrectional Officer
Gloria Lang
Gloria LangCorporal
Davis Orso
Davis OrsoCorrectional Officer
Lisa Hill
Lisa HillCorrectional Officer
In Memory of Retired Sgt. Thomas Hammock
In Memory of Retired Sgt. Thomas Hammock
 10/31/72 – 03/20/22
Matthew Locke
Matthew LockeDeputy
End of Watch
September 25, 2021